MicroVu Vertex 342

The Micro-Vu Vertex Measuring Center is a table top system equipped with a high-resolution camera-based measuring system to get fast, accurate measurements on a wide variety of parts. Vertex can be configured with additional measurement probes and sensors.


The Micro-Vu Vertex 342 has a 315x315x250(mm) Range and a 20kg Capacity.

Vertex provides vivid pictures through a programmable optical and digital zoom, supports sensitive touch probe accessories allowing measurement of smaller intricate geometry, and high speed vertical distance measurement sensors for scanning capability that covers both specular and diffuse parts.

Vertex includes our InSpec Metrology Software®, which provides point-and-click simplicity, proprietary edge detection, advanced lighting control and calibration, multisensor integration, automated calibrations, and a clear display of measurement data and tolerances.

  • High resolution digital camera.
  • Programmable optical and digital zoom.
  • Integrated electronics design, for better system performance and serviceability.
  • Advanced proprietary motion control ensures high accuracy measurements at high speed.
  • Supports sensitive touch probes accessories.
  • Programmable profile, surface and coaxial lights.
  • Single USB connection to computer.
  • Integrates high speed vertical distance measurement sensors for scanning capability.
  • Supports RSD-60 Rotary Device.
  • Includes automated calibration procedures.


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